Sooke Potholes can also be reached by parking at the
Galloping Goose Regional Trail access, approx. 3km before
the park and a short enjoyable 40 minute walk.
From parking to potholes approx.
2.5km crossing two Trestles
along the way, Charters Creek and Todd Creek Trestles.
View from the bridge at the Todd
Creek Trestle.
After crossing the second bridge
at approx. 48.3km of the
55km Galloping Goose Regional Trail you will find access to the Sooke
Potholes, or continue on to the Trails
End and Leech Town.
Take the Old Island Hwy
(14) turn north onto Sooke River Road just before
you reach the Sooke River Bridge. Around 5km to the park from main