CFB Esquimalt Victoria Canada
Camping Highlights Vancouver Island BC


Mutli use day park with a mountain biking area and summit
hiking trail. Great views of Victoria, the Saanich Inlet and SouthernVancouver Island.
Mount Work Park Summit Vancouver Island BC
Over looking the Saanich Inlet and Gowlland Tod Provincial Park
from Mount Work Regional Park.
Mount Finlayson from Mount Work
Mount Finlayson Goldstream Provincial Park from
Mount Work Regional Park.

Victoria from Mount Work Regional Park

Victoria from Mount Work Regional Park.
Mount Douglas Park can be seen in the upper left hand corner.
Mount Work Regional Park
Trails to the summit are steep, hiking time about 40 minutes.
Mount Work Regional Park
Great view from Mount Work summit on a cool cloudy May day.
Mount Work Regional Park Mount Work Regional Park
Access to Summit Trail and parking can be found at both
Munn's Road and Ross-Durrance Road.
Swartz Bay to Victoria Vancouver Island BC Canada
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