Matheson Via the Galloping Goose Trail BC
Matheson Lake

Parking can be found at several place along this 7km stretch of the the
Galloping Goose Regional Trail. Just before the 11km mark and the
turn off to Thetis Lake on the Old island Highway. At the 14.5km mark
on Aldeane Avenue and Sooke Road, across from access to the
Hatley Castle National Historic Site and Glen Lake at the 18km mark
This 7km stretch of the Galloping Goose Regional Trail pass through
mainly residential, light business and sheltered treelined areas. It offers
access to Royal Roads University, Hatley Castle and Gardens
and Fort Road Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site.
Access to RRU and Hatley Castle National Historic Site can
be found just down Cottonwod Crest Road across from parking and
access to the Galloping Goose Regional Trail at the 14.5km mark
on Aldeane Avenue and Sooke Road.
Access can also of found to Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site
and the Equismalt Lagoon on Ocean Blvd. at the 13km mark
of the Galloping Goose Regional Trail.
Esquimalt Lagoon and Beach, Ocean Boulevard Drive.
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Map Victoria To Sooke
Lochside Regional Trail  Via the Galloping Goose Trail
Lochside Trail
Thetis Lake Park Via the Galloping Goose Trail
Thetis Lake
Sooke Potholes Via the Galloping Goose Trail
Sooke Potholes