Thetis Lake Regional Park BC
Thetis Lake

Nature Trail Fort Rodd Hill BCFort Rodd Hill BC
This short 15-minute trail follows an historic sentry path and takes you
through lush shorline woods to a machine gun post and searchlight emplacements overlooking the beach and the Esquimalt Lagoon
Deer and Fawn Fort Rodd Hill BC
Don't be surpised to to see deer wander out from among the native
Garry Oaks, found only on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf
Islands and in two locations on the BC mainland. Less than 5%
of Garry Oak ecosystems remain in their near-natural condition.
Esquimalt Lagoon BC
Esquimalt Lagoon and estuary seen from the searchlight
emplacement on the the shoreline nature trail.
Enjoy views of the beach from this wooded seaside nature trail.
Seaside Nature Trail Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Park.
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Travel Map Victoria To Sooke BC
Victoria To Sooke
East Sooke Regional Park BC
East Sooke Park
Witty's Lagoon Regional Park and Nature Centre BC
Witty's Lagoon
British Columbia Aviation Museum
BC Aviation Museum