Galloping Goose Regional Trail BC
Galloping Goose Trail

Lower Battery Fort Rodd Hill Park BC
Lower Battery, guardhouse, Underground magazine, 6-inch dissappearing
gun emplacements, Artillery shell stores and Casemate barracks.
Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site.
Lower Battery Fort Rodd Hill BC
Main gate and entrance to the Lower battery Fort Rodd Hill Park.
Guardhouse Lower Battery, Fort Rodd Hill Park
Undergroung magazine complex for the disappearing 6 inch guns.
Fisgard Lighthouse Fort Rodd Hill Park BC
Fisgard Lighthouse from the Lower Battery Fort Rodd Hill.
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Travel Map Victoria To Sooke BC
Victoria To Sooke
Sooke Potholes and Campgrounds BC
Sooke Potholes
Witty's Lagoon Regional Park and Nature Centre BC
Witty's Lagoon
British Columbia Aviation Museum
BC Aviation Museum