Hatley Castle and Gardens  BC
Hatley Castle

Belmont Battery Fort Rodd Hill Park BC
View from the beach of the Belmont Battery with it's twin barrelled 6-pounder
guns and range finding tower. Constructed in 1898 to prevent small, fast
torpedo boats slipping under the guns of Upper and lower Batteries
Belmont Battery Fort Rodd Hill Park BCBelmont Battery Fort Rodd Hill Park BC
Belmont Battery and Director Tower. In the background behind the gun emplacement can be seen the Esquimalt Lagoon estuary and beach.
Belmont Battery Fort Rodd Hill Park BC
Esquimalt Lagoon from Fort Rodd Hill Belmont Battery.
The estuary acts as a transition zone between freshwater, marine and
forest habitats. The grounds just north of the lagoon are home to
Hatley Castle and Gardens and Royal Roads University campus.
Fisgard Lighthouse from the Belmont Battery Fort Rodd Hill.
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Travel Map Victoria To Sooke BC
Victoria To Sooke
East Sooke Regional Park BC
East Sooke Park
Witty's Lagoon Regional Park and Nature Centre BC
Witty's Lagoon
British Columbia Aviation Museum
BC Aviation Museum