Haslam Creek Suspension Bridge Trans Canada Trail
Haslam Creek
Trans Canada Trail Vancouver Island BC
Trans canada Trail



Off the beaten path, this park is reached by a flat but rough ungrated
gravel road. Approx. 6.5 km from Island Hwy 1, after turning off onto
Cowichan Valley Hwy 18, turn right onto Hillcrest Payne logging road.
Approx. another 6.5 km of gravel road to park and dirt parking lot.
The calm deep pools are popular destination for anglers and swimmers
alike. The river is home to spring and summer runs of steelhead.
There are no vehicle accessible camping facilities or designated
camping areas at this park, no toilets or sani-station/dump facilities.
Bring your own drinking water as potable water is not available
in the park. Your on your own here.
For more info about Chemainus River Provincial Park
visit the officia
BC Parks Website
Lake Cowichan Community Website
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